Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Pearl Harbor - Warning Signs essays
Pearl Harbor - Warning Signs essays On November 26, 1941 a fleet of Japanese ships under the command of Chuchi Nagumo moved into a position 200 miles northwest of Honolulu, Hawaii. Their instructions, providing good weather, were to attack Pearl Harbor with maximum efficiency, dealing the U.S. a mortal blow (Stinnent 292) by destroying all battleships and airplanes in the vicinity. Nine days later, with good weather, Pearl Harbor saw the first wave of a crippling Japanese attack. 183 bombers, fighters and torpedo planes unleashed the initial and most killer wave of hostile fire. Just an hour and a half later the second wave of Japanese aircraft were returning to their respective carriers, while the U.S. forces at Pearl Harbor were not only shocked but also suffered damage in large amounts. 2,403 U.S. personnel were lost along with 188 airplanes. Eighteen U.S. ships were sunk or damaged. The most famous, the Arizona sank with most of its 1,300 men onboard. The Japanese lost a little fewer than 100 men and sixty airplanes, a very small loss compared to that of the U.S. Although the U.S. lost no aircraft carriers, the Japanese surprise attack hit the U.S. forces in the Pacific hard. The beautiful waters of a harbor known by the Hawaiians as Wai Momi (pearl waters), because of the pearl oysters that once lived there, were stained with a clear Japanese victory. Without a doubt the men stationed at Pearl Harbor had little, if any, clue that they were going to be attacked. This is clearly exhibited by ratio of U.S. loses to Japanese losses. However, there is strong evidence that suggests that high ranking officials in the U.S. government not only knew about the attack, but also provoked its happening. The first thing that must be considered when understanding the attack on Pearl Harbor is the position Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in. Roosevelt and his state department realized the danger of Nazi success. If the Nazis happened to captu...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Nigersaurus - Facts and Figures
Nigersaurus - Facts and Figures Name: Nigersaurus (Greek for Niger lizard); pronounced NYE-jer-SORE-us Habitat: Woodlands of northern Africa Historical Period: Early Cretaceous (110 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 30 feet long and five tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Relatively short neck; hundreds of teeth in wide jaws About Nigersaurus Yet another Cretaceous feather in the cap of the globetrotting paleontologist Paul Sereno, Nigersaurus was a rather unusual sauropod, possessing a relatively short neck compared to the length of its tail; a flat, vacuum-shaped mouth packed with hundreds of teeth, arranged in about 50 columns; and almost comically wide jaws. Putting together these odd anatomical details, Nigersaurus seems to have been well adapted to low browsing; most likely it swept its neck back and forth parallel to the ground, hoovering up any vegetation within easy reach. (Other sauropods, which had much longer necks, may well have nibbled on the high branches of trees, though even this remains a matter of some dispute.) What many people dont know is that Paul Sereno didnt actually discover this dinosaur; the scattered remains of Nigersaurus (in northern Africas Elrhaz formation, in Niger ) were described by a French paleontologist in the late 1960s, and introduced to the world in a paper published in 1976. Sereno did, however, have the honor of naming this dinosaur (after studying additional fossil specimens) and publicizing it to the world at large. In typically colorful fashion, Sereno described Nigersaurus as a cross between Darth Vader and a vacuum cleaner, and also called it a Mesozoic cow (not an inaccurate description, if you ignore the fact that a full-grown Nigersaurus measured 30 feet from head to tail and weighed up to five tons!) Sereno and his team concluded in 1999 that Nigersaurus was a rebbachisaurid theropod, meaning it belonged to the same general family as the contemporary Rebbachisaurus of South America. Its closest relatives, however, were two intriguingly named fellow sauropods of the middle Cretaceous period: Demandasaurus, named after the Sierra la Demanda formation in Spain, and Tataouinea, named after the same bleak Tunisian province that may (or may not) have inspired George Lucas to invent the Star Wars planet Tatooine. (Yet a third sauropod, the South American Antarctosaurus, may or may not have been a kissing cousin as well.)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Crowdfunding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Crowdfunding - Essay Example The four main types of crowdfunding are donation-based crowdfunding, reward-based crowdfunding, lending-based crowdfunding and equity-based crowdfunding. In this type of funding, there are no financial returns to the contributors or investors. In many cases, this type of crowdfunding is used for raising money for charitable projects. Some of these projects include disaster relief and medical bills (Nesta, 3). For example, an organization such as the Red Cross might conduct a campaign aimed at getting people to donate. Such donations have no returns attached to them. The donors are satisfied when a given project is completed. The motivation for the donors is non-monetary. Many organizations that use this type of crowdfunding rely on their websites to get contributors, although other outlets such as social media may be used. In this type of funding, the donations are gathered and assigned to a given project (Gadja &Walton, 8). This then helps get more donations because the funders understand that their money will be used for a specific purpose. In the end, the donors may give repeated donations if the organization keeps on updating the m of the progress of the ongoing project. Examples of such platforms include JustGiving (England), Startme (South Africa) and m-changa (Kenya) (Gadja &Walton, 8). This type of funding involves people contributing to a given business or project in exchange for some type of reward. In many cases, this reward is in the form of product or service offered by the organization seeking the funding (Nesta, 3). This is the most popular type of crowdfunding and is mainly used for creative and entrepreneurial projects. Usually, this model allows for the rewards to be given to the contributors based on the amounts contributed; the more a person donates, the better the rewards received. The donation is usually higher than the monetary value of the reward given, and this
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Assignment worksheet Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Worksheet - Assignment Example They are drawn to express beauty and the message of solemnity and calmness in the surroundings. The art work has primary colors of red, blue, green. There is definitely harmony in using these colors are red which is the dress worn by the Madonna gave focus to the theme of the art work and blue is used as her drape which provides subdued hues to the red. The touch of green as a backdrop for the landscape is also harmonious as it gives balance to the color complimented by the light blue sky and white cloud. The cream color of the angels with touch of brown was very appropriate as a complementing color highlighting the harmonious relationship of the figures. The sense of space is depicted though fine lines and smaller figures which create the impression of a far location. The more prominent and bigger figures at the center clearly depict nearness and closer perspectives to the viewers of the art work. The actual texture of the art work appears basically smooth. The visual texture shows balance in lines, color, and spaces to give the perfect illustration of the Madonna in the meadow, with angels tending and giving her company. The visual weight and emphasis is carried by the Madonna as manifested in the color (red and blue) and size (biggest among the illustrations in the painting) with darker lines to create the space illusion that it is closer to the viewer than the rest of the landscapes, except for the angels which appear to be closest to the viewer of the painting. The artist expressed a symmetrically balanced work through the illustration of mountains on both the left and right side of the painting; the clouds also on the left and right side of the painting, the angels being two to provide symmetry, trees and shrubs on the left and rights side, and the focal point, which is the Madonna is strategically located at the center with her right
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Pragmatism in Government Essay Example for Free
Pragmatism in Government Essay The character of politics makes consistency pretty close to impossible, partly because politicians are human and human nature is inconsistent, and partly because the voters dont really want consistency. As voters, we have the luxury of holding politicians to standards we would almost certainly be unable to meet if we were in their positions. And when they fail, we revile them for their hypocrisy, which is as pointless as reviling a dog for having a moist nose. Now, all of this may make Auntie sound awfully cynical. Should we have no moral standards at all for politicians? Should we throw principles by the wayside and let ome kind of shifty situational ethics fgleaf naked greed and power grabbing? Not at Just for illustration, take the issue of saving people from oppressive dictators, which is unquestionably a worthy concept, right up there with protecting children from pedophiles or saving animals from being abused and mistreated. But no matter how worthy an end is, its moral righteousness alone can never Justify evil means employed in achieving it. Its not wrong, cold, or cynical to carefully calculate the cost of achieving a noble end, its responsible, and responsibility is what we should be emanding from ourselves and the leaders we elect to represent us. Costs come in many forms. We may not always agree on the totals, or even what should be counted as cost in such an equation, but the greater the potential for harm from an action, the more stringently we should perform the analysis. If, for example, saving people from an oppressive dictator requires unpopular political decisions, economic pressure that involves some level of pain and suffering on both sides, diplomatic actions that require quids-pro-quo wed rather not give, possibly even strained relations with another party whose good will has value for us, etc. thats one calculation. If it requires military action, thats another cost accounting entirely. Military action, even for noble motives, has enormous potential for doing harm if something goes wrong, if errors are made, or the logistical or tactical situations change. And the intensity and impact of that harm is likely to be enormous as well. The consequences can be grave, long-lasting, and far-reaching, so the costs have to be calculated with extreme care and with maximum possible integrity. Those potential costs, and the likelihood of their being required, have to be factored into the equation. Lets take the other examples, protecting children from pedophiles and saving animals from abuse †each of these goals is indisputably good. What is required to achieve them, however, must be calculated, and each voter, and each elected official, will calculate differently. How effectively will any given measure reduce the risk of children being victimized? What are the costs of each measure, both short-term and long-term? . who bears those costs and n It, tor example, the measure under consideration involves restricting or denying civil rights and liberties granted under the Constitution, how do we choose whose rights will be curtailed? How much will that reduce the risk to children, and how much will it cost all of us to ensure that only those we are certain pose such a risk are denied their civil rights? I saw an amusing bumper sticker recently that said Liberals treat dogs like people, and conservatives treat people like dogs. Although I cant agree with such blanket characterizations (l have known liberals who mistreat dogs, and whose treatment of people wouldnt give dogs much to hope for, and conservatives who rescue dogs and exhibit deep compassion and care for people,) it provokes considerable thought. What are our priorities, and how do we choose to act on them? What should we expect our elected leaders to do with our priorities? First, it helps to remember that our elected officials are balancing my priorities against my neighbors priorities, not to mention the priorities of those who gave big money to their campaigns. And not only our priorities, but our beliefs about what means can and should be used to address them, will differ widely. What if the policy or legislative action that an elected leader truly believes is right also happens to address a priority of a donor who gave them a lot of money? On the other hand, what f the means of implementing that policy or action would go against the donors ideas of what is acceptable? What if those means address a priority of mine, but would require a sacrifice from my neighbor and seem a little doubtful to me? The reason so many people think of issues in black and white is that its easier. By establishing a rigid framework of right and wrong and tying everything to that framework and ignoring the complexities, they free themselves from having to do all those calculations. Its reprehensible enough in a voter, because after all, we have the ultimate responsibility for our government. But in an elected official, whose actions have immediate and far-ranging consequences, taking the black/white shortcut is deeply irresponsible. An elected leader cant be consistent and still be responsibly considering all the aspects of her actions. What she has to be, is thoughtful, cautious, and open-minded†willing to admit mistakes and work to correct them, but less likely to make them because she considers each action thoroughly. And we as voters need to stop reflexively chastising those we elect for inconsistency or hypocrisy, and start holding them accountable for how carefully and completely hey calculate the costs of their decisions, and their willingness to abide by those decisions. Thanks for bringing up such an interesting question, Jeniece, and for putting it to Auntie Pinko! It seems that the question is based on a false dichotomy. Ideology and pragmatism arent an either-or, its a case of apples and oranges. The liberal call tor a pragmatic response to Iraq is not necessarily a choice between idealism and the ends Justify the means, while Clintons support of NAFTA was both pragmatic AND ideological, no matter how misguided (Clinton is a neoliberal after all). The response seems to confuse ideology and values. Ideology is political theory, the basis of policy and, when misguided the lense through which problems and opportunities are viewed. Pragmatism (in the sense used in both the question and the response) is tantamount to realpolitik, which is the practice of politics without moral or ethical values. I myself have an issue with the American political system because it IS largely bereft of ideology outside the leitmotif of neoliberal economics and neoconservative foreign policy. The GOP and the DLC indeed propound the above ideologies and to a great extent base their world-view through ideologically-tinted glasses, but it is a alse ideology in more ways than one. What is worse is that neither group actually articulate their ideology in political discourse with the electorate it is hidden through rhetorical flourish and spin. Neoliberalism is a false ideology because it was created ex post facto in order to justify a pre-existing condition (laissez faire capitalism, free marketism, greed, abuse, etc. ). It was created in Mt. Pellegrin on the basis of the Austrian School of economic theory and it is wholly divorced from democratic principles (the common weal, etc). Neoconservatism is philosophically based on a serially mendacious ndividual (Leo Strauss) that Justifies manipulation and lies. Nevertheless, America NEEDS ideologies because, for too long our political discourse has been driven by relatively unimportant, short-term and specific issues such as abortion, gun control, immigration, and the like. Neither party has expressed a long- term goal and of course strategies to achieve said goals while both parties have gone their merry way maintaining a situation of corporate corruption and the tyranny of special interests. This makes American political discourse something of a bad Joke and party affilliation little different from being a fan of a sports team. cepting, of course, those earthshaking issues such as Terry Schiavos cerebral cortex. Politicis in a democracy is indeed the balancing and negotiation between sides, groups and individuals. The responses confusion between values and ideology clouds the issue in a democracy with ideologically-driven parties (that articulate said ideologies) the compromises take on a different meaning and scope. The absence of ideo logy turns our body politic into a trade show and keeps the electorate from fighting for a better future. Hear, Hear, from the OTHER District of Columbia, Washington State. The Columbia River restricts access, Just like the security forces in D. C. ) Here our politics has shitted over the years as well, even though, tortunately, we are rather progressive. Pragmatism is an important factor in the decisions politicians make, and sometimes utopians lose sight of the dangers and difficulties in making things turn out right. Even so, I agree with the utopians regarding their goals and commitment. The main questions involve what to do about the fact that not everybody agrees, at least in the short term, on the issues. I urge utopians to maintain their goodwill, while nderstanding reality as much as possible. Fighting for justice and a well-adjusted society requires patience and effort, which can often cause people to quit working for a better future. I urge steadfastness to principle here. Idealism is good, as long as you realize that not everybody is idealistic. Progress in human affairs is difficult and somewhat uncertain. But we do have evidence of its existence. Lets stick to our beliefs, through thick and thin. Remember to use your head to help your heartfelt beliefs come to realization, because finding the answers to problems takes thinking and effort.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Langston Hughes is America Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays
Langston Hughes is America    " The poet's life is the focusing glass through which passes the determinants of the shape of his work: the tradition available to him, his understanding of "Kinds", the impact of special experiences (travel, love, etc.)." (Fielder 1431). Langston Hughes did not have an easy life. Being a young black male during the 1920's, Hughes was constantly being discriminated against by the color of his skin. Because of that harsh reality, most of his work was centered around the African American's fight for racial equality. One good example of this is shown in his poem "I, Too". Hughes writes about being discriminated against because he was black.       Around the time of the twenties, there was a big boom of African American culture. Out of this came the renaissance of Harlem, a hot spot for African American poets, musicians, and dancers. White America would flock to these hot clubs that infested Harlem. They would go for the great food and the entertainment. Big clubs such as the Cotton Club on Lenex Avenue would not allow blacks t...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Leadership styles case study
1. Northwest Center for Families (NCF) practices transactional leadership. This is because its director, after attending the conference on dual relationships in social work, has already created a clear structure on what she wants her subordinates to do and if they do not follow, necessary punishment has also been in-placed. She did this by sending out a memo prohibiting dual relationships in social workers’ relations with clients, which when disobeyed will result to their termination. Employees were even advised to report non-sanctioned interaction between them and their clients. The director’s directive also mentioned that employees should eat lunch only in the office when the construction of the new employee lounge is done. 2. Southeast Social Services (SSS), on the other hand, practices transformational leadership. This is because its director has primarily regarded and involved his subordinates in his plans regarding the problem of dual relationship in social work by calling a meeting. Here, he shares his experiences and thoughts about the conference and his personal mission to address the problem at hand. He motivates everyone and encourages the organization to be one in solving the problem, thus being more efficient in their profession and service. 3. I recommend that a health care or human service organization adopt or practice transformational leadership. This is because an organization involved in healthcare or human services needs a competent, professional, skillful, and personable leader. He or she must possess familiarity with the programs of the organization and the knowledge and skills to implement these. Furthermore, he or she must possess values and awareness on others’ welfare and situations (Rudnick, 2007). Since the healthcare and the human services fields require utmost and voluntary service, employees should be given proper, sensitive, and sensible motivation for them to function for the community and not be intimidated by rules of a tyrannical leader. In this sense, a transformational leader can ensure employees’ loyalty to the organization’s mission (Rudnick, 2007).  Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Hart Benton Dr. Levey HI/Hon 282 26 November 2010 Neo-Confucian History and its Application to Government Neo-Confucianism arose in China during the Song Dynasty as a vehicle to reapply Confucian teachings and morality to an era in which Buddhist and Daoist followers were all but competing with Confucianism. Such competition found Confucianism becoming more and more related to the state as an official religion, reducing the true existence of Confucianism as predicated by Kung T’zu’s own canonical texts.The revival of Confucian thought during this dynasty lead for replacement of a militaristically centered society academia and cultural achievements, changing the view of Chinese history and the historian as well as leadership in the government as both began to take on the characteristics of Confucian practices such as The Way. The transformation of the view of history was radical at best. The overall essence of history was questioned as notable historians such as Lu Zuqia n and Zhen Qiao professed the correct way of viewing history to be to view history as a continuous stream as opposed to solitary confined moments in time.Lu notes that history must be viewed as the continued record of organic growth and change in Lu Donglai wenji. Zheng Qiao claims that Confucius’ credibility as a notable sage lie in his ability to view history as an entirety and the stream that makes it up as opposed to Ban Gu who compartmentalized history by narrowing on one topic, or as he literally puts it in Tongzhi, â€Å"Ban Gu wrote the history of only one dynasty, this principle of continuity has been ignored. †Another way that history became molded to the form of Confucianism was in its application. The application of history could be noted as a two- way process, one being the application of the past to see the present and thereby stimulating intellectual growth as well as practicability, and the other being that history provides morals of conducts for the hi storian. The latter has a greater sense of Confucian character in that the process of being provided the conducts of morality involves the historian to mentally ut himself into the actual situation, apply the context of the day, and imagine to face these facts and come to a conclusions. This, Lu Zuqian says, is the way â€Å"you will get real profit from your reading. †A sense of morality was also applied to the role of history in, quite literally, the beginning of the history. The words of an emperor were recorded in the Song Dynasty immediately at the moment, lending the historiographer to record the entirety of the emperor’s words, both the good and bad.In Zizhi tongjian, Sima Guang writes: The emperor said, â€Å"If I do something that is not good, do you then also record it? †Suilian replied, â€Å"My office is to wield the brush. How could I dare not record it? †The Gentleman of the Yellow Gate Liu Ji added, â€Å"Even if Suilang failed to recor d it, everyone else in the empire would†Zizhi tongjian The necessary morality of the emperors in their actions transcended itself through the historiographer’s recording and into the text and finally into the readers.Such a direct relationship between published and actual history manifests itself in the image of history as a mirror in this neo- Confucian era. The image is used in several ways: one being that upon looking in a mirror, everything is completely visible including any flaw or blemish. As Liu Zhiji states, â€Å"When a clear mirror reflects objects, beauty and ugliness are bound to be revealed. †It is the job of the historian to present a clean mirror, and as Zhiji also notes, â€Å"celebrate the good, censure the evil, and control the powerful†in doing so.The second way that the neo-Confucian role of history should resemble a mirror is that any government official, leader, statesman, or ruler should be able to look into the mirror and in the reflection make a value judgment and discover a truth about the issues in their day. Herein lays they connection between governmental leadership and history. Perhaps no Chinese Song historian better notes the close connection between history and government than Sima Guang in his 294-chapter work, Zizhi tongjian, or Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance.Using this same metaphor of the mirror, Guang strikes on the fact of history becoming a predominantly political history and attaining an almost entirely political purpose. Just as part of Neo-Confucianism’s role in history relayed the essence of The Way in its acquiescence and practice, the same holds true for government policy. Cheng Yi memorializes an appeal for the Confucian Way to be adapted as a foundation for Chinese governmental policy implementation and return rule to scholars and sage kings as opposed to leaders focusing more on the role of the military as was evident in pre-Song dynasties.In the adaption of the W ay to government policy, Cheng Hao took a more pragmatic Confucian stance on reform of government in association with the Way in that laws should â€Å"change according to the times and be embodied in systems that suited the conditions in obtaining each. †In other words, let not the policies of the day digress to blanketing an entire spectrum disregarding of context and situational prowess, but rather cater the policy to where it fits in with the Way of the day by allowing the policy to follow in itself the Way.The emergence of Neo-Confucianism brought with it a change in the view of the development of history, application of history, and the role of the historian as history overall began to follow the role of the Way and morality throughout the Song Dynasty. With this shift in the role of history came the shift in role of government policy. As history became more politically applicable with the â€Å"history as a mirror†metaphor, government followed the role of hist ory and it too began to follow The Way in its practice and usage as a moral system.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Dumb Jocks
Dumb Jocks Many people believe that football players and athletes in general are a little slow. Often people view these athletes as all body and no brains. For years athletes have been portrayed this way by virtually every media known to man. They have faced criticism in movies, situation comedies, and music alike. I personally do not believe people can be accurately judged by categorization. For instance in "Geeks", written by Katz, artists, musicians, poets, non-conformists and computer technicians are all grouped in the same category. In the movie "The Water boy" football players are portrayed as ignorant athletic machines. However, today this view is a little out-dated. Most modern athletic programs require their participants to score well in school. In fact at many high schools, athletes must maintain high grade point averages to be eligible for competition. The dumb jock is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Although many believe most athletes to be mentally lacking, today athletes are required to be quite intelligent.Statue of a football player in Maidan, Kolkata
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Write a Perfect Barista Resume (Examples Included)
How to Write a Perfect Barista Resume (Examples Included) These days, coffee is serious business. If you control someone’s daily caffeine access, you could very well hold their entire day in your hands. Sure, it may not be the level of social responsibility of, say, a brain surgeon, but you’re still providing what many people (myself included) would call a very necessary service. From the trendy euros)How to Write a Perfect Occupational Therapist ResumeHow to Write a Perfect Physician Assistant Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Receptionist Resume (Examples Included)How to Create a Perfect Retail ResumeHow to Write a Perfect Sales Associate Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Social Worker Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Truck Driver Resume (With Examples)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
No specific topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
No specific topic - Essay Example Parsons table has four square legs, which has the same thickness as its deck or top, whatever may be the length or width of the table. It has maximally influenced human behaviours, because it is being part of many homes and also because the people have modified the table according to their purposes. â€Å"Essentially it’s a sleek, spare, versatile table that designer Susan Brunstrum believes every home needs.†(Gerlach Group 2011). In the first part of the 20th century, it was used as a deluxe decorative furniture item without mass use. However, as part of changing culture, people wanted a decorative table, which can be used in a multipurpose manner. â€Å"Its striking design makes it the perfect cocktail table, coffee table, dining table, side table or occasional table,’’ (Gerlach Group 2011). Credenzas are storage cabinets with both fixed cabinets and adjustable shelves. When it was launched in line with culture of perfectionism in early 1960s’, it came up with perfect and at the same time cool and interesting designs. As people from various regions showed interest in this product, it became further adaptive, as it incorporated different fabrics, different metal finishes, etc.
Friday, November 1, 2019
A report on based on the company Gourmet burger kitchen Essay
A report on based on the company Gourmet burger kitchen - Essay Example Finally in the last section we have suggested Gourmet Burger Kitchen to open its franchise in a new country Switzerland. Gourmet burger kitchen is a casual dining and a high market restaurant chain in United Kingdom. They deal with the wide variety of delicious burgers served with salads, and fresh chips which itself is a complete package. They also deal with vegetarian demand as they deal with delicious side salads and dinner salads. Apart from providing quality food, they are also providing an illustrious and non smoking environment which acts as a perfect blend with their casual eating (Dow, 2006). In 2001, three Kiwis came together and opened their first restaurant in Battersea, London, where they served the best burgers in town. Since last eight years this food chain has expanded to over 50 restaurants alone in UK. In November 2009, the gourmet burger kitchen 50th U.K. restaurant opened at Soho Wharf Clink Street, London (Rose-Day, 2009). But this food chain has not only set its business in the boundaries of U.K. but it has also established internationally and has opened its branches in four main countries; Greece, Ireland, Turkey, Dubai and Oman (Gourmet Burger Kitchen, 2009). Currently there are 5 branches of gourmet burger kitchen in Dubai and 1 branch in Turkey but it plans to operate and expand its operations in further countries. They have boasts its sales but is regarded as the London’s best burger for the last two years, further it is also considered as leader burger themed concepts. Not alone in London but they have spread their charm among the food lovers of Dubai as well (Hassan, 2008). Gourmet kitchen burger provides quality, unique and tasty burgers to its customers. They have specialized themselves in mainly burgers and due to this today they have 28 different yet delicious burgers on their menu card (Rose-day, 2009). Gourmet burger kitchen is operating successfully in all the countries from UK to other
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