Thursday, December 26, 2019
Why Is Deer Season - 900 Words
Many people don’t like small towns, but the ones that do love it for the little things. One of these little things is deer season. It is what everyone in a small town waits for all year. It could be compared to be just as good or better than the beginning of branding season. Many city people don’t know how but wish they could go hunt a deer. The reasons to do it are for a hobby, saves money on meat, and just a straight cut bragging right. First, get a hunter safety license. To do that either go online or go to a class. The online class takes however long you make it, work at any pace wanted. But after that happens a field day is required. While in a class there is no field day required. To receive the license complete either of these. This will give permission to anyone to hunt anything they want as long as they buy special tags. As well as have the proper firearm for the animal. Then, get something to shoot a deer with. Either a gun or a bow but for bow hunting another safety course is required. But when choosing a gun there are many different things to consider. Like hunting location, distance of the deer, or size of the gun holder. If not enough is known then a good gun to go with is either a .242 or a .270. They are both light, not too powerful, and can shoot long distance in a field or in brush. Each weapon has a special season for deer hunting so take precaution and make sure to know which guns have which seasons. Next, shooting a deer is not legal unless a tag isShow MoreRelatedRecreational Hunting1106 Words  | 5 Pageshunting, especially deer hunting, not only controls wildlife populations, it also provides tradition in families and makes their bonds stronger. Managing the population of deer is an important way to decrease the amount of deer vs. automobile accidents. Imagine for a minute, an early morning commute that goes from home to work. Barely light out the path goes along a long stretch of interstate. Driving the recommended speed limit of 70 mph a large male white-tailed deer, a buck, comes outRead MoreHunting Deer Dogs Should Be Banned934 Words  | 4 Pagesthe killing of one of their adored pets while trying to harvest deer? Hunting deer with dogs is a very fast paced technique of hunting. Hunters line up in a horizontal line in the woods and wait patiently for the dogs to flush the deer into their sight. Hunters then shoot anything that runs out of the woods because if they wait too long to determine how mature the deer is, the deer will have already ran by them. Not only are young deer killed, but sometimes, the poor, innocent dogs are shot on accidentRead MoreDoe Season: Andys Epiphany820 Words  | 4 Pagesprocess of finding out who one is can be very turbulent and confusing. Through growing up one goes through so many different changes in terms of ones personality and deciding who they are and what they want to be. The little girl in David Kaplans Doe Season goes through one of these changes, as do many other adolescents confused about who they are, and finds out that there are some aspects of a persons identity that cannot be changed no matter how hard he/she tries. brbrAndy is a nine-year-oldRead MoreWhy Hunting Should Be For Providing Food And Resources As Needed949 Words  | 4 PagesOh Deer There are multiple and personal ways to look at hunting, such as a way to provide life or even a sport. There are also different tactics in hunting, such as high fence, low fence, endangered, poaching and etc. Ethically I believe the means of hunting should purposely be for providing food and resources as needed. More than 38 million Americans hunt and fish, as stated by These statistics were in 2012 and records have concluded that the numbers have increased since thenRead More Doe Season: Andys Epiphany Essay1007 Words  | 5 Pagesfinding out who one is can be very turbulent and confusing. Through growing up one goes through so many different changes in terms of ones personality and deciding who they are and what they want to be. The little girl in David Kaplans quot;Doe Seasonquot; goes through one of these changes, as do many other adolescents confused about who they are, and finds out that there are some aspects of a persons identity that cannot be changed no matter how hard he/she tries. Andy is a nine-year-old girlRead MoreDeer Hunting987 Words  | 4 Pages(Assignment 6) The Way to a Good Deer English November 22, 2011 Deer hunting is a very demanding hobby. The one thing that everyone must keep in mind when hunting is your safety and the safety of others. The reason for this is that you are using a weapon that can cause serious harm to you or someone, but this is not what this essay is about. I want everyone to actually learn what it takes to be a hunter. Being a hunter takes skill and understanding how deer sense things. The first thing thatRead MoreEssay about Conserving Natural Resources Through Hunting1592 Words  | 7 Pagespopulation goes down, the deer population goes up. If the deer eat all the grass, rabbits and other such herbivorous animals will diminish and kill off all of the predatory creatures that eat the rabbits. Without hunting, balance will never be maintained and the environment will never really be stable and healthy. Hunting should be done to benefit the overall population and living quality of animal species. In order to better understand hunting, we need to learn what hunting is, why hunting is beneficialRead MoreWildlife Management: Why People Hunt? Essay1092 Words  | 5 Pagesfed their families with venison, and clothed them with the hide from the deer. There was no bag limit for deer so they eventually killed off most deer. After that they restored the white-tailed deer population and the deer were overpopulated. If an environment goes above its carrying capacity, land suffers and so do the wildlife. Creating a yearly bag limit and harvesting only male deer kept the deer population healthy. Each deer has enough food to eat and they have enough land to be wild. Towns likeRead More Deer Hunting: A Family Tradition Essay1150 Words  | 5 Pagesnecessity, but now it is a tradition, passed on from father to son as a way to spend time together, enjoy the outdoors, and experience what our ancestors went through in hunting their dinner. Since it is considered a sport some think we are killing off the deer population, when in actuality, â€Å"While most other big-game species have declined with the spread of urbanization, the whitetail has been able to adapt to its ever-changing environment. Through the efforts of state agencies and conservation groups likeRead MoreWhat s Merica Without Meat1657 Words  | 7 Pagestheir families got food. Hundreds of years ago a new invention was made that made hunting a lot easier. After many long years pass and many animals killed by bow and arrow, a new weapon was invented. The deer rifle is very efficient, powerful, and lightweight wich made it easier to carry around. Deer rifles also are a great invention because it help kill the animal faster and with less pain. Hunting was once the only way to supply food for your family, But as time went on it became a way to spend time
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Crime and Punishment vs the Stranger Essay - 1229 Words
The novels The Stranger by Albert Camus and Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky are both murder novels that explores the inner thoughts of the killers. Camus and Dostoevsky wrote novels that portrays a young man committing murder and how the young man faces the consequences and deals with the horrible crime the which he has committed. Albert Camus and Fyodor Dostoevsky uses two different points of view in each of their novels, first person point of view and third person point of view, respectively. Using the two perspectives, the reader is given two different yet effective ways to evaluate and interpret the characters. The main character of The Stranger by Albert Camus is given the name Meursault. Meursault is easily characterized†¦show more content†¦He lacked emotion. Marie even visited him while he was rotting in jail. Ressuring him the that he will get acquitted and they would be able to get married. This wasnt the case. The magistrate was able to see that Meursault lacked any sort of remorse about the murder. The magistrate disliked Mearsault going to the extent of calling him â€Å"Monsieur Antichrist.†(Camus 71), due to Meursault refusing to turn to religion and claiming that he does not believe in God. During his time in jail he faced discontent, due to the lack of cigarettes and women. This feeling was overcome quickly by Meursault, however. In his final days before his beheading he was visited by people attempting to turn him to religion, but Meusault was adamant. In the end, Meursault found peace. He was happy, though it was cynical the way he viewed the world, he was happy. Crime and Punishment also followed a man who is living with the murder he comitted. Written by Fydor Dostoevsky, the novels main protagonist is a young man named Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov was responsible for the murder of the pawnbroker Alyona Ivanovna and her sister Lizaveta. Unlike Meursault, he was extremely traumatized by the murder he committed. When Raskolnikov is summoned by the police and hears about the murder of Alyona Ivanovna and her sister, he faints. He loses his cool. Raskolnikov was unable to bare the burden of the murder and was obviously feeling guilty, unlike the unfeeling Meursault.Show MoreRelatedCrime and Punishment vs. The Stranger1438 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the novels Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky and The Stranger by Albert Camus, sun, heat, and light play a significant role in the development and understanding of the novel and the characters in it. Upon the initial reading of The Stranger, the reader may have a general acknowledgment of a relationship between the novel’s protagonist, Mersault, and the sun and heat, either proceeding or following one of the novels significant events. What is harder to understand on the first readRead MoreCrime System And Criminal Justice System Essay1399 Words  | 6 Pagesfollowing I will discuss my perspectives of the researched information and the noted changes of a system that was created by the people for the people. Topic I – Victim Justice System vs. Criminal Justice System A. Responsibilities of the victim’s past/present. B. Retribution and Restitution and other form of punishments past and present. Topic II –Victim Justice System transforms into Criminal Justice System A. The impact of capitalism and social forces driven by a free market economy. B. MassiveRead MoreThe Abolition Of The Death Penalty1552 Words  | 7 Pageswounded. The death penalty is used as a form of punishment in the eastern hemisphere for many crimes, such as espionage, terrorism, and first-degree murder. China holds the record for the largest amount of executions; the number remains largely disputed as death penalties are considered â€Å"state secret.†In some Middle Eastern countries crimes such as rape, adultery and theft also carry a death sentence. Canada is no stranger to capital punishments either. The first recorded death penalty in CanadaRead MorePros And Cons Of Capital Punishment1237 Words  | 5 PagesPros and Cons of Capital Punishment INTRODUCTION Each year there are around 250 people added to death row and 35 executed. The death penalty is the most severe method of penalty enforced in the United Sates today. Once a jury has condemned a criminal of a crime they go to the following part of the trial, the punishment phase. If the jury recommends the death penalty and the judge coincides, then the criminal will face some form of execution. Lethal injection is the most common process of executionRead MorePerry Smith: A Passion to Kill1354 Words  | 6 PagesSerial killers have long eluded law enforcement while simultaneously grabbing the attention of the public, and now more than ever, criminal psychologists are beginning to understand what makes a serial killer. In his true-crime documentary, In Cold Blood, Truman Capote depicts the horrifying murders of four members of the Clutter family and the search to find the criminals responsible for the deaths. Eventually, two killers are caught, one being Perry Smith, a detached and e motionless man. And althoughRead MoreSpousal Rape Essay964 Words  | 4 Pagesrape, regardless of marital status just as murder is murder regardless of marital or relationship status. I will define the legal definition of spousal/marital rape, briefly discuss the history, point out the differences in requirements and punishments for rape vs. spousal rape, and finally describe the effects spousal rape has on its victims. While the legal definition varies by state, spousal rape can be defined as any unwanted intercourse or penetration obtained by force, threat of force, or whenRead MoreMeursault Is An Absurdism1499 Words  | 6 Pagesmeans. This notion creates expectations for how people should emotionally respond to events around them. However, when one does not conform to these expectations, a complex conflict arises between that individual and the surrounding society. The Stranger, a translated novella by Albert Camus, takes place in the early 1940s and revolves around Meursault, a French Algerian. Developed through a presentation of his own thoughts, it grows clear that Meursault is an absurdist. He believes that his actionsRead MoreRunning Head:. Response Paper 1 Response Paper 3. Advanced1277 Words  | 6 PagesArizona State University Response Paper Crime in the 20th century has become one of the most widely studied areas of research. Today, I am going to briefly outline some of the theories of crime that are used to study the subject. What I will be evaluating these theories against will be small scale property crime such as theft. Classical theory states that crime is committed when there are more benefits to committing the crime than punishments. It also states that crime is a choice and is done with freeRead MoreThe Theory Of Crime And Crime1260 Words  | 6 PagesResponse Paper Crime in the 20th century has become one of the most widely studied areas of research. Today, I am going too briefly outline some of the theories of crime that are used to study the subject. What I will be evaluating these theories against will be small scale property crime such as theft. Classical theory states that crime is committed when there are more benefits to committing the crime than punishments. It also states that crime is a choice and is done with free will (BeccariaRead MoreSenate Bill 420 : The Issue Of Prostitution And Separating The Buyers From The Sellers1171 Words  | 5 PagesSenate Bill 420 would recast provisions by clearly defining prostitution and separating the buyers from the sellers. This bill not only defines the crime of prostitution but it also divides the crime into three sections: the involvement of the buyer, the involvement of the seller, and/or the involvement of a minor. Senator Huff first introduced this bill on February 25, 2015 where it was first presented to a committee on RLS, waiting for the approval to print. Freshly off the printer on February
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Political Science for Australian Indigenous Cultural Heritage
Question: Are the recent nuclear and missile tests in North Korea and the US response, best understood as a realist framework, a constructivist framework, or a combination of both? Explain. Answer: Constructivist framework implemented by the US is through dialogue where the presidents of the involved nations agree to discuss under proper conditions. The discussions are aimed at reducing the threats of missile tests to other nations. North Korea ambitions have led to use of nuclear experts in developing highly advanced nuclear weapons. Realist and useful frameworks are aimed at ensuring that there is proper national progress considering the other nations. Realist framework is where the national interests are considered when developing strategies for international relations. The constructive framework focuses mainly on the harmful effects of a particular action implemented by a nation. The recent nuclear and missile tests in North Korea and the US response is a useful framework as it considers the global wellbeing more than the national interests (Sanger, 2017). The missile tests pose a threat to different nations as they can be direct to any part of the world making North Korea very powerful due to their weapon superiority. It is vital for nations to reduce the implementation of weapon superiority for global peace. Realistic evaluation requires the decision makers to perform an analysis of necessary data in coming with a decision which will maximize the performance of a nation. Social and economic impacts of a deci sion require being accessed in developing strategies that will affect the long-term performance of a country (Probst Michael, 2014). The procedures are needed to be effective in maximizing international relations through a proper approach of national operations. The North Korea is required to develop a strategy that considers the safety of other nations for the achievement of set long-term goals of production. The nuclear tests performed by North Korea reduce the international relations with other countries due to the danger imposed by the weapons. In the realistic framework, the military is considered as the most critical unit of the nation due to its ability to keep order and peace in a nation. The constructive approach of dealing with nuclear weapons aims at emphasizing on social interests rather than the economic impact of the project (Narang, 2015). The nuclear weapons have a negative effect on social progress requiring the North Korea missiles to be controlled for an insight of social development. Racism in 'the West' today is a legacy of imperialism. Discuss with reference to contemporary race relations in one western country. Racism is on the rise especially in Europe where people are discriminated due to their race. Russia is one of the countries in Europe where racism is on the rise due to discrimination especially for the black people (FIDH, 2017). The legacy of imperialism in racisms is where some countries have a view of being more powerful than others due to race. GDP of states is used in making some countries in the west act superior to others due to their economic stability. The high rate of racism in Russia has led to individuals from different races to engage in the operations of the nation. It is essential for the government to evaluate the legacy of racism which negatively affects the economic and social progress of a country. Russia is a nation which is widely known of discriminating individual due to their race, especially in public places. This discrimination reduces the self-esteem levels of an individual as one is made look inferior to others. Racism victim is unable to achieve potential from production due to the destructions caused due to race. The government is required to come up with strategies which are aimed at reducing the cases of racisms in the nation for the achievement of set long-term goals (Haltinner, 2014). International relations and trade are negatively affected by the legacy of racism in Russia where people are not willing to engage operations in the country due to increased discrimination cases. Colonialism and slave trade are primary contributors of cases of racisms where some races seemed superior to others (Olusoga, 2017). Even after colonialism and slave trade, there have been cases of racial abuse to the minority group of the society. It is essential to reduce the racisms cases in a nation as it has negative impacts on the individual and national performance. The effects of racisms include; one is the reduction of production level due to reduced self-esteem and motivation. It is essential for employees to have a maximum motivation to achieve the set personal and organizational goals. Racisms make it hard for individuals to reach their potential as it affects their ability to work. Two is mental illness due to racial abuse where one suffers from depression and stress. Continuous mistreatment due to race reduces the psychological and emotional performance which could lead to mental illness. Three is violence caused due to the racial abuse which could lead to injury and de ath thus it is essential to handle the cases of racial abuse in the society (Feagin Bennefield, 2014). Four is reduced international relations where some nations are not willing to engage with a country which is widely known for racial abuse. Lastly, racism leads to diminishing to international trade as investors are reluctant in entering into the business of the nation which leads to reduced economic performance. The government of Russia and the European Union has developed strategies for ensuring that there are reduced cases of racial abuse in the region. In handling racisms in Europe, the nations agreed to International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) where individuals are required to be treated equally regardless of race (FRA, 2017). European Union countries are expected to follow the set policies in handling various issues facing the nations in regards to racial discriminations. Fines and jail terms are used in ensuring that there are reduced racism cases in Russia for the social and economic progress of the country. Russia has developed educational programs which aim at increasing awareness of reduced discrimination for the achievement of set macroeconomic goals of the nation. Preventing racial hatred in a country is essential in providing a reduction of racism cases for continuous social progress. Are critical studies of whiteness an example of: (choose one concept) agonism, political correctness or a politics of mutual liberation? Define your terms carefully and explain. Whiteness theory is aimed at identifying the origin of white people by identifying the social and cultural background of the people. Whiteness studies aim at identifying the beginning of white people as do not possess complexions of other race (Perazzo, 2016). The studies have contributed to racism in universities especially in the USA where the study is prevalent as it is an indication of that white people are more privileged than other races. White people are more dominant in the USA compared to other races where study aims at identifying the cultural beliefs of the people in the earlier days. The whiteness has led to different opinions where some supports and others are against the study of determining the origin of white people. The historical and social aspects are explained in the studies for a systematic identification of race. Agonism is a political theory which identifies the issues involved in politics where some harmful elements have a positive impact on the performance of the society. It is essential in agonism to determine the positive and negative elements in the implementation of a particular policy in ensuring that it achieves an increase in social development. Political awareness requires individuals to acquire required knowledge that will increase the positive aspects of politics for an increase in the social and economic progress of the nation. The politic of mutual liberation requires considering the freedom of all groups involved in the society for a stable performance of an organization (Edwards, 2014). The mutual liberation requires identification of the needs of national stakeholders to satisfy the requirements for increased production. White studies are related to politics of mutual liberation where all races are required to be identified in the study. The research is needed to be controlled in ensuring that there is not teaching of needs of white supremacy and privilege in the community. White studies are necessary to identify the views of affected individuals of the society for a stable performance of in the community. The dominant view of the white community makes the students have different aspects of the topic. Mutual liberation is necessary for ensuring that the opinions of various stakeholders are identified in a smooth flow of the community (Agger, 2014). Some people are vulnerable from the studies by identifying the white society as privileged in the community. The culture and history of the white people are required to be regulated in ensuring that there is a stable performance in a nation. The history and culture in whiteness studies need to have a mutual obligation. Liberation requires considerations of the needs of various people in the community in developing policies that will positively impact the performance of the country (Kinni, 2015). The white studies have the negative and positive impact on the students requiring the system to implement policies to ensure mutual benefits to all benefits. Equality in the political system is achieved through politics of mutual liberation where the needs of different individuals are identified and satisfied. The performance is based on the policies implemented in the nation for the achievement of set social and economic goals. People are required to be equally treated regardless of their cultural or political beliefs. The use proper political ideologies and democracy make it possible for the community to work together in achieving a sustainable performance of the nation (Ball, Richard, ONeill, 2016). White studies are required to be liberated to offer proper impression to the students to reduce discriminative laws. Politics of mutual liberation provides decision-making process that improves the attitude of people in the nation. What does it mean to describe contemporary Australian as having a postcolonial character? Discuss concerning Indigenous-settler relations The Australian indigenous-settle relations are the individuals who were first in the nation which culture and beliefs are followed by most population. Australian indigenous was in the region before the European colonization which is mainly the Australia - Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people (, 2017). There are different languages which are spoken in Australia requiring the community to come up with policies that will handle the changes in the nation. The indigenous people in the region are expected to be dark and have exceptional athletic skills that live in villages (, 2017). The postcolonial character of the indigenous people of Australia to reduces their cultural and religious beliefs of the people. It is essential for an individual to consider the cultural views of the community for a stable performance of the community. Colonialism affected the cultural and religious beliefs of people in Australia where people followed the new standards set by the colonial government. Cultural practice is essential in maintaining the entity of particular people in the population for a stable performance of the nation. The Australian indigenous population comprises of 3% of the Australian population (, 2017). The community has reduced the practice of earlier cultural beliefs and practices to adapt to the changing times after colonialism. The indigenous culture of people in Australia is the oldest in the world as it started 500,000 to 65,000 years ago (, 2017). Protecting cultural materials is vital in spreading the culture to different generations of the community. Sustainability in production is achieved through the analysis of different cultural beliefs of individuals in the country to handle various issues facing communities. The need of communities is changed in regards to their cultural beliefs requiring a proper evaluation of culture to develop policies that will ensure a continuous development of a country (Garling, Janet Hunt, Will, 2013). The sacred placed and objects of Australian indigenous communities are preserved in providing that there is a sustainable cultural practice despite the changing times. The cultivation of land by indigenous communities of Australia was different to the cultivation of the white people. Colonialism negatively impacted the success of the culture as some individual undertook practices of the colonialists in their daily tasks (Coates Hetherington, 2016). National parks and museums are used in preserving the culture of Australia indigenous communities. The preservation of culture ensures that there is an improvement of knowledge about the individuals who were first in the nation. Postcolonial led to many Australian practicing the English culture which was imposed on them by the colonials. The national identity was affected by colonials as most people engage in activities related to those of colonials for a sustainable performance of the nation after colonialism. The practice led to the reduction in the use of required culture to the society where the strength of indigenous communities of Australia was reduced by the English culture (Christie Verran, 2013). The complexity of Australia indigenous communities culture led to many people preferring to implement the English culture in production. The identity of the nation was negatively affected as it emerged to work as directed by the colonials. The policies implemented in colonialisms were followed leading to the lost identity of the culture and history of indigenous communities. Modern Australian performance uses colonial practices requiring the people to consider the indigenous communities cultures in social progress of the nation through culture preservation. Bibliography Agger, B. (2014). Cultural studies as critical theory. Routledge. (2017). Australian Indigenous cultural heritage. Retrieved 10 20, 2017, from Australian Government,: (2017). Discover Stories. Retrieved 10 20, 2017, from Indigenous Australians: Ball, T., Richard, D., ONeill, D. I. (2016). Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal. Taylor Francis. Christie, M., Verran, H. (2013). Digital lives in postcolonial Aboriginal Australia. Journal of Material Culture , 299-317. Coates, J., Hetherington, T. (2016). Decolonizing social work. Routledge. Edwards, K. (2014). Teach with me: The promise of a raced politic for social justice in college classrooms. Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis, 1-15. Feagin, J., Bennefield, Z. (2014). Systemic racism and US health care. Social science medicine, 7-14. FIDH. (2017). Organisations denounce blatant problems of racism in Russia, and its controlled territories. Retrieved 10 20, 2017, from WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: FRA. (2017). Racism related intolerances. Retrieved 10 20, 2017, from European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights: Garling, S., Janet Hunt, D. S., Will, S. (2013). Contested governance: culture, power, and institutions in Indigenous Australia. ANU Press. Gilpin, R. (2015). American scientists and nuclear weapons policy. Princeton University Press. Haltinner, K. (2014). Teaching race and anti-racism in contemporary America. New York: Springer. Kinni, F. K.-Y. (2015). Pan-Africanism: Political Philosophy and Socio-Economic Anthropology for African Liberation and Governance: Caribbean and African American Contributions. Vol. 1. Langaa Rpcig. McCurry, J. (2017). US is powerless in the face of North Korean missile tests. Retrieved 10 2017, 20, from THE IRISH TIMES: Narang, V. (2015). Nuclear Strategies of Emerging Nuclear Powers: North Korea and Iran. The Washington Quarterly, 73-91. Olusoga, D. (2017). The roots of European racism lie in the slave trade, colonialism and Edward Long. Retrieved 10 20, 2017, from Guardian News and Media Limited: Perazzo, J. (2016). THE UGLY RACISM OF 'WHITENESS STUDIES' PROGRAMS. Retrieved 10 20, 2017, from Frontpage Mag: Probst, K., Michael, M. (2014). Long-term stewardship and the nuclear weapons complex: The challenge ahead. Routledge. Sanger, D. E. (2017). How the U.S. Could Respond to Another North Korean Missile Test. Retrieved 10 20, 2017, from The New York Times Company:
Monday, December 2, 2019
Jeffersonian Republicans Essays - Thomas Jefferson,
Jeffersonian Republicans (1) Some English observers may have viewed Jeffersonian Republicans as hypocritical for several reasons. Jefferson ran for the presidency in order to achieve specific goals such as, the reduction of the size and cost of the federal government, the repeal of Federalist legislation, and to maintain international peace. Jefferson was successful for some time in reducing the size and cost of the federal government. He closed several American embassies in Europe. He cut military spending by reducing the size of the U.S. Army by 50 percent and retiring a majority of the navy's warships. However, despite all these cut expenses, Jefferson found it suitable to accommodate the Louisiana Purchase. As the United States increased its land territory westward, the Jeffersonian democracy continued and sought to remove Native Americans from the path of the white man's progress. Indians were often murdered even though Jeffersonians disclaimed any intention to destroy Indians. Jefferson later increased federal power to enforce the Embargo Act of 1807. His recommendation for an embargo of American goods failed to win foreign respect for American neutrality during the French Revolution. Jefferson nearly led the country to the brink of war. The Embargo polic y succeeded only in depressing the economy and angering northern merchants and was later repealed in 1809. Jefferson also signed another bill in 1807 for a law that prohibited the importation of slaves into the United States. Poor enforcement by America resulted in illegal operations of slave smugglers. Southerners did not cooperate, and for many years African slaves continued to poor into southern ports. It is easy to conclude that the members of Jeffersonian democracy declared their passion for liberty and equality, but in practice, they lived in a society whose members accepted slavery and sought to remove Native Americans out of the white man's path. While some Americans praised Jefferson's pragmatism, others felt betrayed. (2) It is clear that progress had been achieved between 1741 and 1791 regarding the murder of slaves. From the reading, we can see that slaves were recognized as somewhat equal to a free white man. It is stated a man should receive the same punishment for murdering a slave as he would for murder of a free white man. However, the nature of punishment for the murder in State v. Boon cannot be decided. The Law of 1791 was insufficient because the question remained What is the proper punishment for the murder of a slave? Some believed slaves had no rights and our constitution was not made for them while others saw them as equal men and women. (3) From the earliest days of independence, a tension between mechanization and handcraft marked the American quest for technological advance. Some Americans, however, expressed grave misgivings about the new technology. As inventions such as the spinning jenny and the cotton gin promised to save time and labor some Americans refused to accept the new methods of production. Tradition and disbelief was the reason for such behavior. Many people insisted to practice methods they were taught by their parents and were afraid to modernize their lifestyle. Today we see the same thing everyday. This computer I'm writing on, for example. Who would've ever thought a machine would allow us to type by the push of a button and then print in seconds. When computers and the internet were first being introduced many people didn't know what to think. Some people were eager to purchase one and explore the possibilities while others may have failed to believe such technology was possible. We still don' t even know where computers will take us. Today they're used in cars, space exploration, TV, and music production. And today like the 1700's, we will continue to be faced with new forms of technology everyday and some people will adapt and grow with it while others stick to the traditional methods they were taught by previous generations. (4) Chief Justice John Marshall did not want to jeopardize the independence of the Supreme Court over the minor issue of Marbury v. Madison. In his decision of February 1803, Marshall scolded the secretary of state for withholding Marbury's commission. Marshall stated it clearly that the Supreme Court did not have the jurisdiction to handle such
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