Sunday, May 24, 2020
Rhetorical Questions for English Learners
Rhetorical questions can be defined as questions that are not really meant to be answered. Rather, rhetorical questions are asked in order to make a point about a situation or to point out something for consideration. This is a very different usage than yes/no questions or information questions. Lets quickly review these two basic types before moving on to rhetorical questions. Yes/No questions are used to quickly get an answer to a simple question. They are usually answered with the short response using only the auxiliary verb. For example: Would you like to come with us tonight?Yes, I would. Did you understand the question?No, I didnt. Are they watching TV at the moment?Yes, they are. Information questions are asked using the following question words: WhereWhatWhen / What timeWhichWhyHow many / much / often / far / etc. Information questions are answered in full sentences. For example: Where do you live?I live in Portland, Oregon. What time does the movie start?The movie starts at 7:30. How far is it to the next gas station?The next gas station is in 20 miles. Rhetorical Questions for the Big Questions in Life Rhetorical questions pose a question that is intended to make people think. For example, a conversation might begin with: What do you want to do in life? Thats a question we all need to answer, but its not easy... How much time does it take to become successful? Thats an easy question. It takes a lot of time! Lets take a look at what success requires so that we can get a better understanding. Where do you want to be in 15 years? Thats a question that everyone should take seriously no matter how old they are. Rhetorical Questions to Draw Attention Rhetorical questions are also used to point to something important and often have an implied meaning. In other words, the person who poses the question is not looking for an answer ​but wants to make a statement. Here are some examples: Do you know what time it is? - MEANING: Its late.Who is my favorite person in the world? - MEANING: You are my favorite person.Wheres my homework? - MEANING: I expected you to turn in the homework today.What does it matter? - MEANING: It doesnt matter. Rhetorical Questions to Point Out a Bad Situation Rhetorical questions are also often used to complain about a bad situation. Once again, the actual meaning of the quite different than the rhetorical question. Here are some examples: What can she do about that teacher? - MEANING: She cant do anything. Unfortunately, the teacher isnt very helpful.Where am I going to find help this late in the day? - MEANING: Im not going to find help this late in the day.Do you think Im rich? - MEANING: Im not rich, dont ask me for money. Rhetorical Questions to Express a Bad Mood Rhetorical questions are often used to express a bad mood, even depression. For example: Why should I try to get that job? - MEANING: Ill never get that job!Whats the point in trying? - MEANING: Im depressed and I dont want to make an effort.Where did I go wrong? - MEANING: I dont understand why Im having so many difficulties lately. Negative Yes/No Rhetorical Questions to Point to a Positive Negative rhetorical questions are used to suggest that a situation is actually positive. Here are some examples: Havent you had enough awards this year? - MEANING: Youve won a lot of awards. Congratulations!Didnt I help you on your last exam? - MEANING: I helped you on your last exam.Wont he be excited to see you? - MEANING: He will be very excited to see you. Hopefully this short guide to rhetorical questions has answered any questions you may have on how and why we use them. There are other types such as question tags to confirm information and indirect questions to be more polite.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Learn How to Order a Drink in Italian
One of the most delightful Italian traditions is meeting up for a pre-dinner drink between 7 and 9pm. Known as an aperitivo, this is a civilized way to wind down from the stress of the day and to whet your appetite for dinner. If you’re curious about how an aperitivo works and the etiquette when you go to one, read this: How to Do an â€Å"Aperitivo†Right in Italy In order to take part in this tradition, here are three quick phrases to commit to memory: Prendo un bicchiere di (prosecco), per favore. - I’ll take a glass of (prosecco), please.Con / senza ghiaccio - With / without iceNe vorrei un altro, (per favore). - I would like another (please). If you want to get a bit more detailed, here are phrases that are more specific to: Ordering Wine in Italian Prendiamo un quarto di rosso della casa. - We’ll take a quart of red house wine.Prendiamo un mezzo litro di rosso della casa! - We’ll take a half liter of red house wine.Avete un bianco pià ¹ morbido? - Do you have a white wine that’s smoother?Mi consiglia un bianco secco? - Can you recommend a dry white wine for me?Prendo un rosso dolce. Solo un bicchiere. - I’ll take a sweet red wine. Just one glass.Vorremmo una bottiglia di Orvieto classico. - We would like a bottle of classic Orvieto.Un bicchiere di vino rosato, per favore. - A glass of rosà ©, please.Vorrei assaggiare un vino rosso corposo. - I would like to try a full-bodied red wine.Chi assaggia? - Who is tasting?Buono! - It’s good!Non mi piace. - I don’t like it. All of the above phrases will be really useful for ordering wine in a restaurant, too. You can learn some more phrases about how to order food here. Ordering Beer in Italian Some popular beers in Italy are Tennent’s Lager, Peroni, and Nastro Azzurro. If you’re curious about other popular beers, read this article (note its in Italian).  Cosa avete alla spina? - What do you have on tap?Avete birre chiare? - What light beers do you have?Avete birre scure? - What dark beers do you have?Prendo una bottiglia di Stella. - I’ll take a bottle of Stella. Partaking of Other Drink Options Popular drinks to order during aperitivo are the spritz, the Americano, a Negroni, and prosecco. Bellinis, a popular drink made of peach juice and champagne, was invented in the 1930s in Venice and named after the Venetian artist Giovanni Bellini. Vorrei un digestivo. - I would like a digestive.Prendiamo due Bellini. - We’ll take two bellinis.Vorrei qualcosa di analcolico da bere./ Per me un analcolico, grazie. - I would like something non-alcoholic to drink.Prendo uno spritz. - I’ll take a spritz.Due bicchierini di Jameson. - Two shots of Jameson.Un whisky liscio, per favore. - A whiskey neat, please. More General Phrases Cosa ti porto? - What can I get you?Ti offro. - I’m buying.Cosa prendi? - What are you getting?Quant’à ¨? - How much is it?Tenga il resto. - Keep the change.Servite ancora da bere? - Are you still serving drinks? And if you’ve done some more serious drinking while out with Italian friends, the next day you might want to say†¦ Ho un dopo-sbornia incredibile! - I have a hangover!Ieri sera ho preso una bella sbornia! - Last night I got quite drunk! Practice Dialogue And while memorizing the phrases that you’re going to say is certainly useful, it’s even better when you’re able to see everything in context. Here’s a short dialogue of what the interaction might look like: Bartender: Prego. - Go ahead and order. / What can I get for you?You: Prendo un negroni senza ghiaccio, per favore. - I’d like a negroni without ice, please.Bartender: Va bene. Altro? - Okay. Anything else?You: Anche un prosecco e due bicchieri di vino rosso. - A prosecco and two glasses of red wine as well.Bartender: E poi? Nient’altro? - And then? Anything else?You: No, basta cosà ¬. - No, that’s it.Bartender: Sono ventuno euro. - 21 euro.You: Ecco.Tenga il resto. - Here you go. Keep the change.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Child Development Is Outside Of Home Environment - 991 Words
Chapter nine in Ringel and Brandell book deal with the trauma that could develop among gay males. This paper will explore childhood and adolescence period. According to Ringel and Brandell the trauma evolve in relation to the larger life development, called â€Å"traumas of development.†That could lead to narcissistic injuries that inhibit the self-structure that displayed in a range of defensive behaviors. In addition it could happened together with different issues of early development (pp. 171-172). According to Ringel and Brandell, the main key to understand â€Å"traumas of development†is the effect of the individual home environment. Another factor in the effect on gay child development is outside of home environment. This is why it’s†¦show more content†¦175). Ringel and Brandell introduce Ornstein’s suggestion of treating trauma in with self-psychology. When keeping sense of stability is necessary to the establishment of a cohesive self. Through time the cohesive self-assist with development sense of identity. Trauma can actually jeopardize the continuation of self. Pieces of traumatic memory can appear in the form of flashbacks or within a dream jeopardizing the existence of cohesive self (p. 173). Ringel and Brandell add Ornstein’s explanation on the difference between childhood and adult trauma. The difference between them is within the attendance of a united nuclear self (p. 173). Ringel and Brandell explain that symptoms as a results of trauma usually defined as post-traumatic stress disorder. In the other hand symptoms that appear as a result of chronic interpersonal trauma starting in early childhood defined as a disorder of extreme stress not otherwise specified (p. 173). â€Å"Feeling different†by proto-gay children connect to shunned cultural images that cause emotional overstimulation and cognitive disorganization (p. 173). Ringel and Brandell emphasis that the society and outside of home environment many times is difficult enough to handle, and when children experience un-acceptance at home too it makes it even worse. In this situation the child have no one to turn to, or a proper model to follow. This resultShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Home Environment On Children1468 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract The use of child daycare has been debated endlessly. It has become hard to determine how it may aid in the development of a child’s cognition or if it hurts it instead. This is partly because of the wide variety of types of child care and the opportunities that are given to young children. Fortunately, measures have been created to help standardize what a daycare does and how it is run. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Suffrage and Party Power in American History free essay sample
A political science essay outlining the expansion of suffrage among the U.S. population throughout American history and the effects of a larger and more diverse electorate on voting trends and party control. This paper discusses the history of suffrage in the United States and its affect upon the distribution of power between the Republican and Democratic parties at different points in American History. It discusses the three most central suffrage movements in the United States: universal white male suffrage, universal black male suffrage, and universal female suffrage and the expansion of voting rights that coincided with each of these three movements. From the paper: While the universal white male suffrage progressions in the first period had more to do with the influential ideas of the French Revolution and democracy in general, an incentive to settle the western frontier, and increasing trust of the non-upper classes, the suffrage progressions of blacks and women came about from more deliberate effort. We will write a custom essay sample on Suffrage and Party Power in American History or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Two main reasons for the attainment of the vote by blacks and women is the weakening of the political parties and the increased activist role of the federal government that occurred in the twentieth century.
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